Friday, September 18, 2009


Yesterday, I woke up and felt beat to crap. My ankle and wrist were feeling very sore, which worried me. From all the moving, I also had normal muscle soreness in my arms and back. I had intended to run yesterday, but I figured something less impact might be on the cards.

Sooo....I went down to the school gym. I did a really good stretch out, then tried to do the elliptical. I got 6 minutes down, and ended up stopping. The frustrating thing is that I was actually feeling pretty good. I wasn't breathing overly hard, and I definitely felt like I was doing okay in terms of endurance. The problem was the ergonomics. The stride of this particular elliptical was short, and at the front of the stride, my feet tilted forward. Also, the handlebars were so high (and I am so short), that I had to grab much lower on them than was normal, cutting my arm strides in about half. It was annoying.

I then decided that I felt good enough that I would try to run a bit, but stopped very quickly once I realized I didn't have my brace. I'm not at the point yet that I want to risk that one. So, I called it quits, and now I'm a bit annoyed with myself for doing so. I need to be tougher, and think more outside the box. I should have done the bike, I think, something to get some movement in. Lesson learned.

Overall, it was a very frustrating workout. The 5K is coming up fairly quickly, and I don't want to feel like a tool doing it. I want to feel like my body can handle this, but I'm worried. I don't want pain to stop me, but I don't want to exacerbate problems by overtraining. It's a really fine line, and I don't really have anyone to go to to dissect this stuff and help me figure out what's going on.

Speaking of the 5K, I talked to Super Cool Neighbor (SCN) who runs, and he is planning on doing the race too! He will kick my butt, but yay!! Someone to meet up with down there! He also showed me a neat little gadget both he and his wife have, they're called Sansa Clips. They're tiny (and fairly inexpensive) MP3 players that are perfectly designed to use while working out. I'm pondering getting one, since it's a pain trying to carry my IPod on runs. Not sure if I should just get one, use the idea as a carrot for the 5K, or wait until Christmas. I need clothes (particularly for colder, wetter weather workouts), and running shoes too. I didn't think this endeavor would end up being expensive, but I'm wondering now.....

Today, B and I are doing our first swim workout. I'm stolked! My goal is to be sure to get my heart rate up at least somewhat, and to be gentle on the wrist today.

P.S. Bike stuff came yesterday! I can now gauge how fast and how far I go, which will be great on training rides. AND I can carry stuff on my bike in my nifty new basket. This will be AWESOME and increase greatly the chances of me running errands on said bike. I just need to get the stuff installed at this point. :P

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